An upcoming documentary for public television by the Sports Conflict Institute and In America will offer a fresh perspective on conflict in sports with guest speakers including sports culture and marketing guru Dr. Marc Williams. Williams is one of several thought leaders from around the sports industry that will discuss challenges in competitive sports and how sports can be used to make a positive impact in society. The film is being produced by In America, hosted by industry veteran James Earl Jones, and made in partnership with SCI.

Marc Williams: Sports Culture Expert

Williams has helped grow three of the largest sports brands in the world: Champs Sports, Footaction, and Reebok and is one of the nation’s foremost experts on branding, sports marketing, and hip-hop culture. He is the CEO of the Striving For Excellence Leadership Academy, an empowerment program for student-athletes that encourages personal and professional development. His insights have been featured in media outlets such as Forbes, Billboard, USA Today, ESPN, and CNN. He recently received his Doctorate in Education at West Virginia University.

“I am honored and deeply humbled to be able to provide my thoughts about how sport has a tremendous impact on our society,” Williams said. “Cultural icons such as Muhammad Ali, Billie Jean King, Michael Jordan, The Williams Sisters, Magic Johnson, Tiger Woods and Jim Brown all played a tremendous role in helping to shape our society and policies that affect our culture. Sport truly is the equalizer that brings culture and people together.”

Character and Conflict in Sports

The documentary will cover character and conflict issues in sports, how these issues are often addressed, and why effectively dealing with challenges in sport is a win for everyone: athletes, coaches, and fans. While incidents of negative off field behavior from athletes and coaches are nothing new, recent high profile incidents in the NFL and elsewhere make the timing of the documentary particularly relevant.

Williams is one of several guest speakers for the episode that will include thought leaders from all aspects of the sports industry, ranging from respected coaches, agents, athletes, administrators, and scholars. Guests have used their leadership both on and off the field to positively influence sports and culture.

About the Production Team

In America specializes in producing high quality programming to public television stations nationwide on a wide range of timely, public interest topics. Episodes use key subject matter experts to illuminate the pressing issues on a variety of education, health, environmental, and business topics. Past guests include former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, President George H. W. Bush, and Barbara Moser of the FBI.

The segment will be featured on public television and distributed on ESPN with an air date scheduled for the fall.